Rehuanalyyseihin perustuva ruokinta takaa parhaan mahdollisen ruokintatuloksen. Lampaiden ruokinnassa parannetaan jo kasvuiässä muun muassa tulevaa imetyskykyä, siis sitä, kuinka hyvin uuhi aikuisena tuottaa maitoa karitsoilleen. Analyysitulokset saadaan, kun rehunäyte lähetetään laboratorioon analysoitavaksi. Analyysin jälkeen sopiva ruokinta lasketaan joko manuaalisesti tai ohjelmalla.
Haukivillassa lampaiden ruokinta perustuu nurmirehuun, jota täydennetään tarvittaessa lähitiloilta ostetulla kauralla ja kaupallisella rypsitiivisteellä. Kivennäiset sovitetaan kunkin ryhmän tuotosvaiheen mukaisiksi, Talvikaudella ADE-vitamiinit annetaan juomavedessä tai pelletteinä. Suola on vapaasti saatavilla aina, kuten tietenkin raikas juomavesi.
Add a compelling title for your section to engage your audience.
Use this paragraph section to get your website visitors to know you. Consider writing about you or your organization, the products or services you offer, or why you exist. Keep a consistent communication style.

Add a compelling title for your section to engage your audience.
Use this paragraph section to get your website visitors to know you. Consider writing about you or your organization, the products or services you offer, or why you exist. Keep a consistent communication style.
A short and sweet title for this section.
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.

Name Lastname
Position or title

Name Lastname
Position or title

Name Lastname
Position or title

Name Lastname
Position or title

Name Lastname
Position or title

Name Lastname
Position or title
Type a short headline
Use this paragraph section to get your website visitors to know you. Write about you or your organization, the products or services you offer, or why you exist. Keep a consistent communication style. Consider using this if you need to provide more context on why you do what you do. Be engaging. Focus on delivering value to your visitors.

Write a short and relevant headline
Use this paragraph section to get your website visitors to know you. Consider writing about you or your organization, the products or services you offer, or why you exist. Keep a consistent communication style.
Give your list item a title
Give your list item a title
Add a succinct headline
Write with clear, concise language to inform and engage your audience. Consider what matters to them and provide valuable insights.